Matthew Rom
Director of Bands
Matthew Rom is excited to be returning to Papillion La Vista South as band director after fourteen years as a director of Bands in the Elkhorn Public Schools, opening a new program at Elkhorn North and building it for four years after ten years at Elkhorn High School.
During his time in Elkhorn, the band program maintained a reputation of strength and excellence while expanding in scope and ambition, and in 2022 the Elkhorn North Symphonic Wind Ensemble was selected to perform at the NSBA state convention. Before teaching in Elkhorn, Matt was the assistant band and choir director at Papillion La Vista South, gaining experience co-teaching with veteran educators Bill Kellett and Cheri Helmer-Riensche.
In addition to his work at Elkhorn, he is the president of the Nebraska State Bandmasters Association, a role he is excited to take on to make positive progress for instrumental education in Nebraska. He also recently completed a term as the chair of band affairs for the Nebraska Music Educators Association during which he oversaw significant updating to the All-State audition materials and worked to create a remote All-State experience during the Covid pandemic.
Matt grew up outside of the small town of Aitkin, Minnesota where he was an active member and section leader in school band and choir as well as various community ensembles. He attended Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, studying percussion with Dr. David Eyler, and receiving his BA in Music Education with a minor in religious studies. In May of 2009, Matt was awarded his master’s degree in conducting at UNO, and in 2018 he completed a master’s degree in Music Education at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Matt is a member of Phi Beta Mu and a recipient of the Bryan R. Johnson Distinguished Service award from NMEA.
Matt is married to Dr. Brittany Rom, who currently teaches high school and elementary orchestra for the Millard Public Schools. They have a daughter Jadzia, who is in fourth grade. When not at work, Matt enjoys cooking, taking long hikes in places with waterfalls and/or high cliffs (much to his wife’s chagrin), and introducing Jadzia to the wonderful world of Star Trek.
Colin Frye
Assistant Band Director
Mr. Colin Frye is in his 7th year of teaching and is excited to get the opportunity to work with the students and staff of Papillion La-Vista South High School. Previously, Mr. Frye worked as the 7-12 Music Director at Logan View Public Schools where he taught Jr. High and high school band and choir. While there, he taught a wide variety of classes and ensembles including marching band, concert band, jazz band, beginning band, concert choir, and also directed multiple musicals. His marching bands consistently earned excellent and superior ratings in competitions including multiple Class C and 1A Championships at the NSBA State Marching Band competition site.
After graduating from Ralston High School in 2013, Mr. Frye attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Music Education. While attending UNL, he was a proud member and cymbal rank leader of the Cornhusker Marching Band Drumline, as well as a section leader of the Symphonic Band. He was also a member of the UNL Percussion Ensemble and studio where he had the opportunity to perform with that ensemble at the Percussive Arts Society International Convention in Indianapolis.
Mr. Frye is extremely excited to step into the role of Assistant Band Director at such an established and high performing program. In addition to his role as a band director, he will also be leading the Titan Tech program. When Colin is not teaching, you can most likely find him working out, going on hikes with his girlfriend Maggie, or gigging around town playing lead guitar in his band “Pioneer.”
Hannah Rothermund
Color Guard Director
Hannah Rothermund has been the director of the Papillion-La Vista South Titan Guard since Fall 2018. She is a 2013 graduate of Papillion LaVista South High School and marched as a member of the UNL Cornhusker Marching Band, as well as marching four years in independent winter guard organizations in the Omaha area. She is currently teaching English at La Vista Middle. When she’s not teaching English or color guard, you can find her reading and watching movies!
Christian Grey
Band Paraprofessional & Percussion Coordinator
Additional Staff:
Nate Brown
Andrew Peters
Red Wilhelm
Anna Leahy
Macayla Laher
Brad Rohn
Brooke Winsor
Chris Marttuci
Landon Kirts