Titan Band Big Purchase Wish List

As our band program grows and as our equipment ages, we find that we have a lot of needs coming up that truly are big ticket items.  We will work with the school district to try to secure the best budgeting possible, but resources are limited as in any school system. 

If you or anyone you know is ever looking for a significant tax deductible donation or has access to grant money, this is our current Big Wish List. To leave a legacy and fund a particular project from this list, please contact Mr. Rom at matthew.rom@plcschools.org!

1. Band Trailer No. 3 - $14,500    

Needed for fall marching as well as for winter seasons to alleviate rental needs.

2. Contras- 9 needed at $4,850 each.  TOTAL: $43,650

Needed to replace our very aging sousaphones. Contras have a better sound and allow more visual movement by the players. They are also less expensive than sousaphones!

3. Bass Trombones- 2 needed at  $4,900 each. TOTAL: $9,800

Bass Trombones have a wider range for low notes, and are especially necessary for jazz band.

4. Frontline Percussion instruments-

2 4.3 octave marimbas- $4,750 each

2 4.6 octave marimbas- $7,500 each

3 vibraphones- $4,800 each

2 concert Bass drums- $2,500 each

Xylophone- $2,900

Total replacement cost: $46,800

With our indoor percussion line, our equipment is HEAVILY used and nearing the end of its life. Our current boards have served valiantly, but have heavy wear and tear at this point.

5. Gator or similar - $15,000

Wanted to pull props and very heavy frontline equipment at contests, especially the notorious hill at Millard South for Wildcat and State contests. A donation of equipment would be equally appreciated to funds to purchase the same!

6. Bass Clarinets and marching brass- $25,000 (major overhaul)

Our low woodwinds and much of our marching brass are getting used to the point where repairs are difficult because the metal has been bent and re-soldered many times. Some of our woodwind instruments no longer have parts available when they break.  Our current membership has us using EVERY instrument in our inventory, and we are likely to experience further growth, making the problem even more acutely felt.